Following the recent meeting of the newly elected EPNS Board, we are happy to announce and congratulate the EPNS Extended Executive Committee and who will serve for the period 2022-2026:
Prof. Kevin Rostasy as President
Prof. Michel Willemsen as Treasurer and Chair Finance Committee
Dr Rob Forsyth as Secretary
Prof. Dimitrios Zafeiriou as Secretary
Prof. Sameer Zuberi as Past President 2018-2022
Prof. Lieven Lagae as Past President 2010-2018
Prof. Barbara Plecko as Chair Scientific and Research Committee
Prof. Dana Craiu as Chair Education and Training Committee
Prof. Anna Jansen as Chair Advocacy and Collaboration Committee
Dr Jean-Pierre Lin as Chair Membership, PR, and Website Committee

All members of the elected EPNS Board 2022-2026 can be found here