European Paediatric Neurology Society (EPNS)

Education, Promotion, Networking, Science for Paediatric Neurology

Chair of the EPNS Advocacy and Collaboration Committee: Anna Jansen

Committee members:

Anna Jansen CHAIR
Sandra Bigi
Anne-Marie Childs
Maria Roberta Cilio
Dana Craiu
Lucia Gerstl
Pavel Krsek
Lieven Lagae
Francesco Muntoni
Finbar O’Callaghan
Barbara Plecko
Inga Talvik
Dilek Yalnizoglu
Dimitrios Zafeiriou
Sameer Zuberi


Goal of this Committee which formed in 2022:

  • Raise the voice of Child Neurology and promote the goals of the EPNS.
  • Develop fruitful collaborations with related societies.
  • Advocate at the highest level for the life-course approach to brain health from antenatal influences on brain development, childhood onto later life.
  • Link with other EPNS committees: