For physicians/medical doctors who specialise in Paediatric Neurology or another medical field with an interest in Paediatric Neurology, the EPNS Membership categories are based on the World Bank (WB) income category of the country in which you practice.
Here is the list of World Bank Classification 4 high income nations CLICK HERE
WB4A = Physicians/medical doctors who specialise in Paediatric Neurology or another medical field with an interest in Paediatric Neurology who practice in Class 4 high income nations on CLICK HERE NOT highlighted in blue
WB4B = Physicians/medical doctors who specialise in Paediatric Neurology or another medical field with an interest in Paediatric Neurology who practice in Class 4 high income nations on CLICK HERE HIGHLIGHTED in blue
WB123 = Physicians/medical doctors who specialise in Paediatric Neurology or another medical field with an interest in Paediatric Neurology who practice in countries NOT in Class 4 high income nations, i.e., countries NOT on CLICK HERE
GNP = Mutual members of the Gesellschaft für Neuropädiatrie (GNP) and the EPNS
The EPNS also has the following categories for colleagues who have an interest in paediatric neurology. These categories are not based on the World Bank classification, they are the same for all nations:
Trainee/Resident = qualified physicians/medical doctors who are in training to in Paediatric Neurology or another field in medicine and have an interest in Paediatric Neurology
AHPN = Allied Health professionals and Nurses with an interest in Paediatric Neurology, e.g., Specialist Nurse Practitioners, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language therapists, Psychologists/Neuropsychologists, Dieticians, Radiographers, etc.
NSCS = Neuroscientists and other Clinical Specialists with an interest in Paediatric Neurology. This is a broad group ranging from bench scientists to specialized technically trained individuals encompassing: Neurogenetics, Neurochemistry, Neurophysiology, neurodevelopmental biology, Neuroepidemiology, health economists, data modelling (machine learning) specialists, etc.
PhD Student = full time PhD Students
Medical Student = Medical undergraduate students with an interest in Paediatric Neurology
For more information about the EPNS Membership types which are applicable, visit
For more information about the EPNS Membership fees which are applicable, visit
It is easy to join: CLICK HERE
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